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479 Warwick Ave
Warwick, RI 02888



Seasons of New England

At Seasons of New England Gardens & Gifts we love what we do and strive for excellence in providing the best plants, flowers, and customer service possible. In addition, we value teamwork, the support of our community and local businesses, as well as respect for our environment. 






Opening april 7, 2025 for easter! we are under new ownership and look forward to seeing you! many new products and price drops on the plants & gifts you love!

Spring - a gardener’s Christmas morning.
— Unknown

Here at Seasons of New England located in Warwick, Rhode Island, we offer a wide variety of flowering and vegetable plants, herbs, house plants, succulents, pumpkins, Christmas trees, wreaths, as well as an assortment of seasonal centerpieces. (See our greenhouse hours)

Flower and plant varieties include: Geraniums / Impatiens / Marigolds / Petunias / Dahlias / Snapdragons / Salvia / Daisies / Vegetable plants / Herbs such as Basil, Oregano, Thyme and Rosemary